Testing at Flexline
Flexline offers both business and testing services. Any Flexline system can be developed and operated from Flexline testing bays with dedicated staff. Preserve space at your own facilities for temporary testing and ensure confidentiality with private controlled access test bays. Speak to a Flexline representative about your specific testing needs for a customized solution.
Examples include:
Environmental Test (Heat, Cold, Humidity)
Cryogenic Cycling
Thermal Cycling
Vacuum Stress
Thermal Vacuum Cycling
Electrical Testing (HiPOT, resistance, impedance)
Thermographic (FLIR, Optical)
Mechanical Actuation (Push, pull, force applied)
Golden Sample Testing for Validation
CE, OSHA, National Testing, UL
Download Datasheets
Impedance/Resistance in a Furnace (PDF Coming soon)